sâmbătă, 9 februarie 2008


Who are we? How can you define yourself? Are you the person you want to be, or are you the one others say you are? If i think i am sociable, but the rest of the world sees me as a shy person that finds it hard to communicate, how am i?
This comes as a reply to one of my articles, where i said that it doesn't really matter what others think about you. But if you think about it, you are who they say you are. And there's nothing much you can do to change it. Of course, gossip is different. But can one tell what's gossip and what's not? -NO- Can you be objective when you talk about one person? -NO- Can you really talk about someone, can you define him or her? -NO- Do you know everything about that person? -NO-
Who are we?
I'd like to invent a machine that can read one's mind. Maybe then i'll be able to know who i am, by knowing what others really think about me. I've been dreaming about this machine since i was a little girl. If i had it, i would know what friendship means, what love means and how many people practice hypocrisy. But that would make it too easy.
Somebody tell me who i am... Or else, i might as well think i'm God :))

3 comentarii:

Alexandra Cota spunea...

no....you are not God :D pai daca asa alegi sa te gandesti tu...si...totusi.....de unde stii tu unde incepe si se termina o discutie...si cand devine barfa? in momentul in care spui lucruri rele despre persoana aia....e barfa? de ce esti mai indreptatit sa lauzi un om decat sa-l critici? :D esti cine esti si prin raport cu ceilalti....adica...prin cum ii vezi tu...fata de tine. Si cum altfel sa ne dezvoltam daca nu prin exemplul altora...bun sau rau. You can't say you don't care what other people think/say...it's good to feed the general opinion a bit :)) not too much...one should just stop to think before he does anything stupid...and consider....will I feel better after doing it? is it worth losing the high opinion of some other person? who you are doesn't matter :)) you're only here for a little while :D

Anonim spunea...

Dumnezeu ?? Cam greu de crezut ca nu esti! ... De altfel, si eu sunt ... Priveste totul ca un sfat: ce rost ar mai avea, daca ai sti ce stiu ceilalti despre tine, sau daca ceilalti ar sti ce crezi despre ei... that`s the fun of it, not knowing and "researching"....

Anonim spunea...

nu poti sa dai o definitie clara unei persoane pt k nu poti defini in cuvinte un suflet. In functie de pozitia fiecarui suflet in labirint(evolutie) esti vazuta din diverse unghiuri de experienta (experienta diferita ca esenta nu k nivel)ceva de genu ceru-i portocaliu seara si albastru dimineata.In realitate el nu are o culoare insa il vezi colorat in functie de anumite principii fizice.Personalitatea e descrisa in functie de principii ale codului evolutionist. Dar si k nivel: esti curajoasa pt cineva care sa zic asa a dus o viata normala insa nu esti nici pe departe curajoasa pt cineva care si-a riscat si viata si etc si are alta notiune a curajului (nu ma refer la tine) alt exemplu: esti o persoana romantica si sufletista, iubitoare, pt un visator esti o raza de soare o comoara iar pt o persoana rece (sa zicem un mare om de stiinta care nu are notiunea sentimentelor) esti de-a lela esti numa o matza fara rost. Si nu pt k acel om de stiinta ar fi rau ci pt k el se afla in alta pozitie in labirintul evolutiei el a evoluat pe alta latura....si de ce o persoana e si alba si neagra in acelasi moment? pt k teoretic nu e posibil! practic nu poti sa pui in discutie pe baza unor principii atat de restranse un suflet care este o notiune inaccesibila de noi in stadiu de oameni. Cum crezi ca poti sa cari curent cu galeata sau sa-ti bagi cuvintele in buzunar? sufletul nu este o notiune pe care o putem manevra in stadiu de oameni nu poti sa-l analizezi pe baza principilor din acest stadiu, el apartine "altei multimi de numere, are la baza alta lege de compozitie"...asta e parerea mea legata de raspunsurile care nu le putem nici cum gasi referitoare la propriul EU